“Gakkou Gurashi!” is an anime about Megurigaoka Private High School’s School Life club, and its members Yuki Takeya, Yuuri Wakasa, Kurumi Ebisuzawa, and Miki Naoki as they go about their daily routine and club activities. So, uh… sorry in advance? General Overview
The first part will be a general recommendation with no spoilers, and the second will be a more in-depth review of what I thought, spoilers included.įor this anime, that means the spoiler-free part is going to be very vague, just because about 90% of what I can say about it is a spoiler. For that reason, each of my reviews will be two parts. Since I think reviews are great ways to recommend good stuff to people, I want to make sure to give readers an easy way to avoid spoilers. Since this is my first review, I thought I’d speak a minute on how reviews are going to work on this blog. To be honest, this show looks nothing like something I’d enjoy (I say, very hypocritically, as I realize that it resembles “Love Live”, an anime I adore, even down to its name… but whatever.) This show is… definitely surprising to say the least.īut I’m getting ahead of myself. I finished “Gakkou Gurashi!” or “School Live!” about a week ago and, let me tell you, I was not expecting to ever be able to type that sentence truthfully.